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Cuanto saben los medicos de atencion primaria sobre los trastornos alimentarios?

Saturday, March 24, 2018: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Oakmont A (Omni Championsgate)

Background: Estamos realizando un estudia con medicos de atencion primaria del gran santo domingo, coyo objetive es media el nivel de conocimiento que poseen estos sobre trastorno de conducta alimentaria, mediante,una encuesta cuplicada previa y posteriormente a una capsula de audivisual information elaborada por nuestro sropo como un instrumento de prevencion y alerta sobre los T.C.A.

Objectives: Identificar instrumento de impacto para sensibilizar a medicos de atencion primeria sobre los TCA. Seran capaces de utilizar herranientas de abordaje que faciliten el diagnostico tempfall a los medicos de atencion primaria. Seran capaces de explicar a las autoridedes de salud la necesidad de incluir a los TCA como tema importante en la red de salad.

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How much do primary care physicians know about eating disorders. Santo Domingo. D.R.

By Renovatus


The main objective of this study is to determine the level of knowledge that physicians of primary care have regarding the diagnosis and eating disorders. The aim is to determine whether doctors properly identify such conditions in the outpatient population.


The entire population of primary care physicians in the Santo Domingo province was selected to conclude the study. All participants will be asked to complete a 25 questions questionnaire regarding personal information such as age, gender, medical experience and questions aiming to evaluate the level of knowledge of the feeding and eating disorders based on the criteria's established by DSM-V. A pretest will be giving after which a five-minute informative capsule will be presented and finalizing with a posttest.

Results and Conclusions:

Results and conclusions will be determined after all data is collected and interpreted. (3 more wek).

Primary Presenter:
Zuleika Morillo de Nieto, MD Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist


See more of: Spanish Track
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