Background: Binge Eating Disorder has officially arrived in DSM5. This presentation provides timely information from a provider with a 16 year collection of experience treating eating disorders. What is BED, why does one develop BED and how do we effectively treat it? Valuable multi-disciplinary resources are provided with open Q&A dialogue.
Binge Eating Disorder
a. Research
b. Prevalence rates
c. DSM5 diagnostic criteria
a. Contributing factors
b. Anecdotal evidence
i. Parental involvement
ii. Trauma
iii. Perfectionism
iv. Shame
c. Perfectionism Model of Binge Eating
d. Uses of food to meet needs
a. Treatment Methods
i. DBT adapted for BED
ii. Mindfulness Based Approach
iii. Health At Every Size�
iv. Intuitive Eating
i. "Is This Working For Me?" Ineffective Behavior Worksheet
ii. Intuitive Eating book study
iii. HEAL� Healthy Eating and Abundant Living
iv. Structure is your Friend
1. Daily Meal Plan
2. Weekly Menu
3. Grocery List
v. Food Diary/Hunger & Fullness Journal
vi. Women, Food & God
viii. FAT The Owner's Manual: Navigating a Thin-Obsessed World with your Health, Happiness and Sense of Humor Intact
ix. Mirror Challenge
x. Behavior Chain Analysis
1. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
2. Dr. Marsh Linehan, 1993
xi. Trigger Foods List
1. Dr. Michelle May calls this "Fearless Eating"
2. Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat, p. 98-99
xii. Buy the Right Clothes Sized for now
xiii. Hunger-Fullness Rating Scales
IV. Questions
Binge Eating Disorder has officially arrived in the DSM5. With even more attention given to this most prevalent of all eating disorders, clinicians are seeking credible information on the identification, diagnosis and treatment of this condition. With over 16 years of experience in treating eating disorders, this presenter will provide just that. Understanding what defines Binge Eating Disorder serves to diagnose it. The DSM5 diagnostic criteria will be reviewed along with the typical manner in which BED presents. Next, the “why” of BED will be explored looking at common contributing factors as well as anecdotal evidence for what appears as themes common to all eating disorders. This includes evidence from the recent study by Anderson & May on the Mindful Eating Cycle. The work of Linehan’s Dialectical Behavioral Therapy adapted for BED and Kristeller’s Mindfulness Based Eating will be reviewed. The bulk of the presentation will focus on pragmatic tools and resources for effective multi-disciplinary treatment. Various treatment methods will be presented with corresponding evidence for efficacy. This includes sources such as HAES® and Intuitive Eating. Finally, the presenter will share several tools from the toolbox of treatment interventions collected from a range of reputable professionals. Examples include: hunger/fullness journals, Matching Motive to Activity from the Moving Away From Diets workbook, body image writing assignments & experientials, trigger foods list, meal plan/menus/grocery list and behavior chain analysis. The goal of this presentation is to increase awareness of BED, educate providers on how to identify and diagnose it and to equip clinicians with the tools to effectively treat the disorder.
Juliet is a graduate of The Ohio State University and has more than 16 years of experience in directing nutrition counseling and services. She is a well-known speaker and nutrition resource to many in the field. She has traveled extensively throughout North America, presenting workshops to help educate professionals on the treatment of eating disorders. She remains involved with the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP), the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) and the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH). Both in practice and public speaking, Juliet promotes the effectiveness of the Health At Every Size approach.