“Behavior Decoding Method™: Quantum Healing and Neuro Re-patterning as a New Treatment Model for Eating Disorders

Wednesday, March 20, 2013: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Hospitality Parlor #2141 (Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort)
Handout Handout

Background: Client video demonstrations reveal the deeply rooted underlying purpose of disordered eating, body thoughts or behaviors. Through guided self-discovery, quantum energetic healing and neuro re-patterning techniques, clients learn to interrupt these patterns, break-though the trance states in the ED complex, and re-set the body’s natural instincts for nourishment and self-care.

I.    Introduction and Overview

A variety of innovative change patterns designed to resolve unconscious blocks and limiting beliefs, patterns and identities that contribute to disordered eating and weight-related behaviors, will be presented.  Participants will experience an intuitive approach that can help their clients find peace with food, joy and vitality in their body, and return to health. It is known from the study of neuroscience and quantum physics, that a connection and a relationship between the mental, emotional, physical and subtle energetic dimensions does indeed exist. We will explore this Mind-Body connection with cutting edge strategies, techniques and tools to help clients experience relief from eating disordered behaviors. Experiential opportunities include helping clients to make well-formed outcomes of their purpose in recovery, what specifically stops them from attaining this outcome, and how innovative strategies and change patterns can be extremely effective in attaining the outcome that they desire. 

II.  Video Demonstrations on Using Simple and Adaptable NLP Strategies for Changing Eating Disordered Behavior Patterns

Videotaped client sessions demonstrate changing disordered eating and body thoughts and behaviors.  Through guided self-discovery, the client quickly learns what is stopping them from recovery efforts, and how they can access desired states for sustainable recovery.  Clients find lasting changes in deepening inner connection, honoring a more peaceful relationship with their bodies, and learning their own sustainable self-care practices, fueling long-term commitment and motivation for recovery.

III. Integration of Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit in ED Recovery

Disconnection and fragmentation between core aspects of the self are almost universal symptoms of eating disorders.  An integrated approach to healing the core self, involves therapies which engage the conscious and unconscious mind in reconnecting the body, heart, soul and spirit.  Integration restores balance along the full continuum of eating and weight issues, preventing weight cycling or rebounding from restricting to binging or from one eating and weight concern to another.

IV. Questions and Answers

This original workshop is a creative mind-body-spirit approach to support recovery across the spectrum of eating disorders, both practical in the clinical and community setting, and supported by research. Exploring a whole-brain, creative method in working with clients, clinicians will learn methods for their clients to self-discover the true purpose and intended positive outcome of their eating disorder thoughts and behaviors, and how to transform them for lasting recovery.  The methods presented here incorporate best practices from the fields of eating disorders, psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), energy medicine and quantum healing techniques, intuitive nutrition, and the Health At Every Size® movement. 

The goals for this workshop are to provide the tools, methods and resources to help clinicians to:

1. Utilize the Behavior Decoding Method™ and specific NLP and Quantum Healing techniques, to transform and integrate the meaning, purpose, and intended positive outcome in their client’s eating disorder behaviors—from food cravings to eating anxieties, critical body talk, size and weight obsessions, exercise extremes or compensatory activities-- with strategies uniquely their own 

2. Explore creative arts, imagery, mindfulness, intuition and intention as change agents with clients for self-discovery, reducing resistance and increasing motivation for treatment

3. Utilize evidence-based alternative creative therapies and integrative (mind-body-soul-spirit) approaches that lead to sustainable recovery from eating disorders across the spectrum

Primary Presenter:
Barbara J. Birsinger, ThD, MPH, RD

Barbara Birsinger, ThD, MPH, RD, Master NLP, Medical Nutrition Therapist and Spiritual Health Counselor, specializes in treating the entire spectrum of eating disorders. Recovered nearly 30 years, Barbara is passionate about helping others heal. With a Theology Doctorate in Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine, her research is being reviewed for publication. Co-author of Health Promotion in the Workplace, she's currently authoring a book on her popular, self-discovery process, Decoding the Spiritual and Symbolic Meaning in Hungers, Food Cravings, Body Talk and Weight. Barbara practices in California with the Integrative Medical Clinic, Spiritual Living Wellness Center, and The Body Positive Institute.

See more of: Preconference Sessions