From the Science to the Session

Wednesday, March 20, 2013: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Hospitality Parlor #2141 (Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort)

Background: Mike Strober PhD and Carolyn Costin, MFT, will discuss how they bring, "What's New Under The Sun" into the room with patients: how the scientific research influences their therapeutic dialogue and treatment strategies, how they explain complex ideas to patients, and where they disagree. Includes video taped excerpts of sessions.

After a brief overview and introduction, Michael Strober will delineate several new research findings in the field of eating disorders, followed by Carolyn explaining how her understanding of what the findings mean in terms of working with patients. Michael will then agree or disagree with the interpretations. Both speakers will then give examples of using the research findings in actually therapy sessions.   Excerpts of video taped sessions will be shown.  Audience questions and challenges will be encouraged. Finally, audience members will be able to ask questions or present case material for feedback from each of the speakers viewpoints.

Conference participants rarely get the opportunity to see seasoned clinicians at work. Inquiring minds want to know, "What goes on in the actual therapy sessions?" Of particular interest is how do leading clinicians put the latest scientific research into action? How do the findings influence therapeutic dialogue and strategies? How are complex ideas explained to the patient? Where do clinicians agree and disagree on the interpretation of findings and how does this effect their work with patients ?            

In keeping with the theme of this conference, two "well seasoned" clinicians, Mike Strober PhD, from UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Carolyn Costin MFT from Monte Nido Treatment Center and Affiliates, will discuss how they bring,  "What's New Under The Sun" into the room with their patients.  Excerpts of videotaped sessions will be provided involving participants as spectators of the interaction between therapist and client discussing the most up to date knowledge about eating disorders including information about:  the brain, body image, set shifting, family work, attachment, meditation, mindfulness, and more. Questions, challenges and interactive dialogue are welcome.

Primary Presenter:
Carolyn K. Costin, MA, MEd, LMFT

Carolyn Costin is a highly respected and experienced clinician, dedicated educator and a recognized agent for change in the eating disorder field. Recovered herself, Costin pioneered the concept of being fully recovered. Costin is the founder and director of Monte Nido & Affiliates, attracting clients from all over the world. She is an international speaker acclaimed, for her expertise, energy and enthusiasm. Costin’s books, 8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder, 100 Questions and Answers About Eating Disorders, The Eating Disorder Sourcebook, and Your Dieting Daughter have helped professionals, sufferers and their families, understand, prevent and treat eating disorders.

Michael Strober, PhD

Michael Strober is a clinical psychologist who has served on the UCLA School of Medicine faculty since 1975. He has been Director of the Eating Disorders Program at the Neuropsychiatric Institute since 1982, and Director of the Adolescent Mood Disorders Program since 1989. Dr. Strober is past President of the Eating Disorders Research Society, and is a founding Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders. Since 1983 he has served as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Eating Disorders. His research centers on risk factors in eating disorders and the long-term course, outcome and treatment of juvenile mood disorders.

See more of: Preconference Sessions