iaedp Symposium 2024
Omni Orlando Resort at Championsgate
Orlando, FL
March 20 – 24, 2024
The Art and Science of Connection: Make Every Connection Count.
Calls for Proposals
iaedp™ Symposium 2024's program is being created by a group of professionals like you who work in therapeutic settings with patients. It is our goal to provide an exciting, quality program that is applicable to your needs when working with patients.
Another goal, however, has to do with your experience at the conference. We select locations that provide a vacation-like experience. As part of registration, we offer breakfasts, lunches, and parties at the end of learning days which allow you to reconnect with colleagues to relax and network. Presenters who are selected will receive discounted conference registration.
Important information to know before beginning a submission:
- At least one presenter MUST have a master’s degree or higher in a mental health, nutrition, social work or medical related field.
- Individuals are limited to submitting a maximum of two proposals as either a presenter or as a co-presenter. Multiple proposals may impact the review process as well as your chances at selection for presenting at the iaedp symposium. Also, submitters must use the correct email address for each presenter at the time of submission.
- Groups are limited to a maximum of 3 presenters.
Abstract Submissions are due by September 5, 2023. Abstracts are reviewed twice in a blind review process by iaedp members. Final selections for sessions are determined by these reviews.
El arte y la ciencia de conectar: haga que cada conexión cuente.
Convocatorias para propuestas
El programa del Simposio iaedp™ 2024 está siendo creado por un grupo de profesionales que, como usted, trabajan con sus pacientes en entornos terapéuticos. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un programa emocionante y de calidad que sea aplicable a sus necesidades.
Otro objetivo tiene que ver con la propia experiencia en la conferencia, por lo que hemos seleccionado ubicaciones que brindan una experiencia también para vacacionar. Como parte del registro, ofrecemos desayunos, almuerzos y fiestas al final de los días de aprendizaje, lo cual permite reconectarse con colegas para relajarse y establecer contactos. Los presentadores que sean seleccionados para dar una ponencia recibirán un descuento en la inscripción a la conferencia.
Información importante que debe saber antes de comenzar el envío de una propuesta:
Al menos uno de los presentadores DEBE tener una maestría o un título superior en un campo relacionado con la salud mental, la nutrición, el trabajo social o la medicina.
Las personas están limitadas a presentar un máximo de dos propuestas como presentador o como copresentador. Múltiples propuestas pueden afectar el proceso de revisión, así como sus posibilidades de selección para presentar en el Simposio de iaedp™ 2024. Además, los remitentes deben usar la dirección de correo electrónico correcta para cada presentador al momento de someter la propuesta.
Los grupos están limitados a un máximo de 3 presentadores.
El resumen de las presentaciones debe presentarse antes del 5 de Septiembre de 2023. Los miembros de iaedp™ revisan los resúmenes dos veces en un proceso a ciegas. Las selecciones finales para las sesiones están determinadas por estas revisiones.
Steps and Instructions
You will be required to submit the following information:
1. Proposal Title
- The title of the Proposal (enter in title case, capitalizing only the first letter in each word.)
- Your email address, you will be sent an automatic email once the first step is submitted, with a link back to your submission.
- The category that best suits your proposal
- Methods: Didactic, Experiential, Combination of didactic and experiential or Other
- Brochure Description (In 100 words or less and in sentence case).
- Has this workshop been presented before? If so, where and when?
- Have you presented at an iaedp symposium before? If so, where and when?
- Learning Objectives
Three (3) behaviorally measurable learning objectives. Please note: measurable learning objectives must complete the following statement: "Following this presentation, participants will be able to identify, utlilize and explain... " These objectives must be addressed in presentation content and must be reflected in the Questions entered into this proposal.
- Three (3) references from journals or books published in the last 5 years, which are relevant to the effectiveness of the program content. No self-referencing please.
- Affirmation Statement
I understand that if my presentation is accepted, I must register for the iaedp™ Symposium, that my picture may be used for any/all promotion materials, and that my proposal will not be considered if the required documentation is not complete and/or if it is received after the submission deadline. Presenters will be asked to present both virtually (sessions to be recorded before the symposium) and in-person at the symposium on the specific time/date assigned. I understand and give my permission for my workshop to be recorded. These recordings become the sole property of iaedp&trade.; I understand that they may be used for online educational purposes in the future.
2. Presenters
- Names, degrees, licenses, current affiliations, CVs, contact information, and a recent professional photograph in electronic format (jpeg).
3. Disclosure
- All Primary Presenters and Co-presenters are required to complete a CME Disclosure form.
4. Content Outline
- Your Content Outline must be 350 words or less. You may coompose, or copy and paste your Content Outline in the form. Alternately, you may upload the Content Outline as an HTML file.
5. Proposal Abstract
- Your Proposal Abstract must be 350 words or less, describing presentation ideas, themes, and goals.
6. Questions
- List 4 true/false questions, 4 multiple choice questions.
- Please enter questions which will be addressed directly in the presentation and can be answered by workshop participants upon conclusion of presentation. At least half of the questions and answers should relate directly to presentation objectives.
- 4 questions with True/False answers, with the correct answer identified.
- 4 questions with 4 multiple choice answers, with the correct answer identified.
- Click here to view a sample of a completed Questions and Answers form (opens in a popup window)
7. Confirmation
- Submitter will receive an automatic e-mail confirming that the proposal was submitted.
Submission Information
- Submitters will be automatically e-mailed a unique ID number and password.
- Proposals may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline, using the assigned ID number and password.
- No incomplete submittals will be considered.
- Please allow 60 days after abstract site closing for submission decisions.
- The required timeframe for all sessions is 90 minutes.
Technical Support
New Submissions Closed
Monday, September 11, 2023