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PRE-CERTIFICATION COURSE 4 - Medical Treatment of Eating Disorders: Evaluation and Complications

Thursday, March 23, 2017: 2:00 PM-5:15 PM
La Sirena I (Green Valley Ranch)

Background: The integration of medical and mental health issues can make accurate diagnosis and treatment of patients with eating disorders difficult. This course covers medical diagnosis, evaluation and management based on patient history, physical findings and diagnostic measures. Common co-morbid illnesses and evidence-based treatment for all ages will also be discussed.

Objectives: 1. Following this presentation, participants will be able to discuss the medical evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders, including screening tools and goals of treatment 2. Participants will understand the specific medical complications of eating disorders with specific discussions about refeeding syndrome as well as other common and life-threatening complications including considerations for when emergent evaluation or hospitalization is needed. 3. Participants will understand the medical considerations of Eating Disorders within special populations, including those with diabetes, males, children/adolescents, LGBTQ population, PCOS, gluten enteropathy, irritable bowel syndrome and food allergies.

Medical Treatment of Eating Disorders
  1. Overview
  2. Medical Evaluation of Eating Disorders
    1. Historical background
    2. DSM 5 Classifications
    3. When to consider an eating disorder
    4. Screening tools
    5. Goals of treatment
    6. Differential diagnosis
  3. Medical Complications of Eating Disorders
    1. Complications of anorexia
    2. Complications of bulimia
    3. When to hospitalize a patient
    4. Refeeding syndrome
    5. Follow up after successful treatment
  4. Special Medical Considerations of Eating Disorders
    1. Diabetes
    2. Males
    3. Children and adolescents
    4. Female athlete triad
    5. LGBTQ population
    6. Food allergies
    7. Celiac disease
    8. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  5. Conclusion

Medical Treatment of Eating Disorders will address the specific signs, symptoms and medical treatment of each eating disorder diagnosis. Medical complications resulting from eating disorder behaviors will be reviewed and treatment recommendations provided. The specific treatment and guidelines for special medical considerations, including diabetes, males, children/adolescents, female athlete triad, the LBGTQ population, food allergies, celiac disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome, will be discussed.
Primary Presenter:
Philip S. Mehler, MD, FACP, FAED, CEDS

Philip Mehler, as Executive Medical Director and Chief Medical Officer, is the head of medical services across Eating Recovery Center’s (ERC) National treatment spectrum at all levels of care. Prior to ERC, he served as Medical Director-Denver Health and Hospital Authority. While at Denver Health for 30 years, he founded ACUTE and continues as its Executive Medical Director. Dr. Mehler has conducted research into optimal treatment of severe cases of anorexia and bulimia, authoring 400 publications, including Medical Complications of Eating Disorders now in its third edition. He is the recipient of the 2012 Outstanding Clinician Award (AED) and recognized among the “Best Doctors in America” for 20 consecutive years. He is the Glassman Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado.

Joel Jahraus, MD, FAED, CEDS

Dr. Joel Jahraus, CEDS, Fellow AED, joined the Oliver-Pyatt Centers team in May 2012 as Medical Director, becoming Chief Medical Officer for Monte Nido and Affiliates’ national network in June 2016. A graduate of Washington University Medical School, Dr. Jahraus practiced primary care medicine several years before becoming Associate Director, University of Minnesota Family Medicine Residency Program, then became a Pre-doctoral Director, University of Minnesota Medical School, receiving the Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award. He co-authored a chapter on eating disorders in the Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine 2010, published by APA, and a chapter on medical complications in The Treatment of Eating Disorders (Grilo and Mitchell 2010). Named a US News and World Report Top Doctor, he has been featured in two national ED documentaries, served as the NEDA help line consultant, is on the iaedp Board of Directors, and chairs the Medical Certification Subcommittee.

See more of: Preconference Sessions
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