PRE-CERTIFICATION COURSE - Core Skills and Decision Points in the Evaluation and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa in Adolescents and Adults

Thursday, March 21, 2013: 1:30 PM-2:45 PM
Baraka Ballrooom (Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort)

Background: Screening for medical and psychiatric co-morbidities and evaluating cognitive/perceptual changes related to “hungry brain” will be discussed. Examples will address working with adolescents, males, new onset adults, and patients with serious/enduring illness. Vignettes will demonstrate strategies for setting weight targets, refeeding, evaluating motivation, and considering higher levels of care.

  1. Case 1 – Female Adult
    1. Assessment
    2. Unbalanced Exercise
    3. Malnutrition
    4. Hungry Brain
    5. Treatment Targets
    6. Anorexia and Depression
    7. Motivation
    8. Level of Care
  2. Case 2 – Female Child
    1. Setting Weight Goals
    2. Feeding/Therapy Options
    3. Resources
    4. School
    5. Motivation
    6. Level of Care
  3. Case 3 – Male Teen 
    1. Assessing Males
    2. Testosterone
    3. SIB
    4. Motivation
    5. Level of Care
  4. Case 4 – Enduring Adult Female
    1. Trauma
    2. Purging
    3. Dependent/Borderline Personality Traits
    4. Cognitive Deficits
    5. Lack of Resources
    6. Medical Complications
      1. Osteoporosis
      2. Dysmotility
    7. Motivation
    8. Level of Care

Case examples will be used to demonstrate decision points and help medical professionals develop core clinical competencies in the evaluation and treatment of patients struggling with Anorexia. The presenter will discuss strategies to screen for medical and psychiatric co-morbidities along with evaluation of cognitive/perceptual changes related to “hungry brain”. Examples will address working with adolescents, male patients, new onset adult patients, and patients with serious and enduring illness. Vignettes will demonstrate strategies for setting weight targets, refeeding, evaluating motivation, prescribing and supporting psychotherapy, considering higher levels of care. Key points to address with parent and family to initiate ongoing education and coaching will be described.

Primary Presenter:
Kimberli McCallum, MD, CEDS, FAPA

Kimberli McCallum, MD, CEDS, FAPA , an eating disorder specialist, is board-certified in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry. Kim is a fellow of the APA and Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Washington University. She is a psychotherapist with a range of therapy skills, including DBT, CBT, FBT, ACT, and psychoanalysis. She received her medical degree from Yale, completed training at UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, and completed her Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship at Washington University. She serves on the board of directors of NEDA and IAEDP. She has developed several eating disorder treatment programs including McCallum Place and Cedar Springs in Texas.

See more of: Preconference Sessions