Thursday, March 22, 2012: 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
Yellow Topaz (The Charleston Marriott)
From the simple, to the complex made simple, and in an interactive format, non-physicians will learn simple ways to detect and understand serious problems and how to get help for them, emphasizing AED�s new guide to medical assessment so non-physicians can use it to get good care for their clients.
Content Outline
This presentation will introduce the audience to the new AED guide to promote early recognition and reduction of medical risks and, more importantly, how non-physicians can do that without having to be physicians. Specific medical complications and their cause and detection will be discussed and what may seem complex will be simplified. The audience will see vivid clincial examples of how complications present and how to detect them simply without advanced medical training. Simple written screens will be shown and simple physical exam techniques will be demonstrated. The audience will practice these on each other to ingrain the knowledge and how to apply it. Finally, the audience will learn how to take this information and the new guide and initiate, advocate, and guide medical assessment.
- Overview of AED’s “Critical Points for Early Recognition and Medical Risk Management in the Care of Individuals with Eating Disorders.”
- Purpose of document
- Target audience includes non-physicians
- Simple description of key medical issues
- The role of non-physicians in screening for medical complications
- They are often first to see those with EDs
- Can be very influential in getting person with ED into medical care
- Recognition of simple screening can assist in early detection and intervention
- No formal medical training required
- Simple screens to detect problems
- Simple physical exam
- Audience will be shown easy-to-detect signs and symptoms and will practice on each other (pulse, capillary refill delay, temperature, etc.)
- Checklists for symptoms indicating need for more medical intervention
- Simple physical exam
- Using the AED Guide and these simple screens to initiate, advocate, and direct medical assessment
- Often non-physicians have to educate the doctors on what to examine and what the results mean
- Audience will be well-educated about what the screens indicate so they can inform physicians unfamiliar w/ EDs
- Will decrease morbidity and mortality, financial and emotional losses to sufferers and their families
Primary Presenter:
Edward P. Tyson, MD
Treating EDs for over 25 years in academic and private practice; numerous presentations nationally and internationally on medical & insurance issues, athletes w/ EDs; Recent publications: E Tyson. �Medical Assessment of Eating Disorders.� Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Research-Practice Gap. Maine M, Bunnell D, McGilley B, (Eds.). New York: Elsevier; 2010. O Bermudez, K Bertou, M Devlin, K Katzman, M Krohel, B McGilley, E Rome, E Tyson, M Warren. �Eating Disorders�Critical Points for Early Recognition and Medical Risk Management in the Care of Individuals with Eating Disorders.� Academy for Eating Disorders Medical Care Standards Task Force. 2011
See more of: Proposals